Please provide some information about yourself so we can get started with your tenancy application.

* indicates a required field within the form.

1 Property Details

Rent: *

Preferred Start Date: *

Holding Deposit to be paid: *

Is this a joint application?

I understand that all persons, over 18 years of age need to complete a separate application form.

By submitting this form you will be agreeing to the following:

I confirm that the information I am providing is true and accurate, and give permission for it to be verified by the Letting Agency if required.

I understand that this information may be accessed again should I apply to rent a future property with the Letting Agency.

I understand that the information on this form may be shared with the Landlord of the property, as well as third-party referencing agencies.

I agree and accept to receive legal documentation for this tenancy digitally via email, or online via the Goodlord website.

I understand that if I withdraw my application, or provide false or incorrect information, I will forfeit my holding deposit.

I confirm that I am in a position to proceed with the tenancy, should I be invited to make a formal application by the Letting Agency.

I confirm that I am eligible to rent in the UK.

2 Personal Details

Will anyone under 18 be living at the property?

Please provide names and ages of anyone under 18 living at the property *:

Have you or a representative viewed the property in person? *

Please upload a photo of your driving licence or passport

3 Source of Income

Please tick all that apply


Self Employed


Independent Means

Student Loans



If applicable:

Start date:

Please indicate which best describes your situation:

Do you have any active County Court Judgements or Court Decrees? *

Have you been declared bankrupt in the last 6 years? *

Have you been subject to an IVA in the last 6 years? *

4 Additional Information

Are you currently renting? *

If so, do you have a confirmed end date for your current tenancy?

If Less than three years please provide previous address/es and landlords details:

How long have you lived there? *

Have you ever been 2 or more weeks late paying your rent? *